Saturday, April 1, 2017

Skipping Stones

Image result for picture of a flat stone
This is a stone that's perfect for skipping across the water!
Hello Readers! Happy April Fool's! Today I want to talk about skipping stones. You need a flat stone. It's okay if it's small and flat, it just won't skip as far. So, find a flat stone, check! Next, you need to know which hand you write with. I know, writing has nothing to do with skipping stones, right? It's silly, but you do. If you throw it with the hand you write with best, it'll skip better. So, knowing the hand you write with best?

Test it out. Grab a piece of paper and write with both hands one at a time. If your right hand is neater, you write with that one best. And then there's the opposite, too.

So, knowing your writing hand, check! Okay, now you need to find the right angle. That's the key. You also need to find your footing. It's like throwing a ball. Stand with your legs side to side, and throw the ball. But when you skip the stone, you need to throw it from low down. So bend your legs, and turn your hand to where you see your palm. Then take a flat rock, and toss it.

So, finding your footing and finding the right angle, check! So, that's all the steps of skipping stones! Hope you enjoyed it! Bye bye!

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