Thursday, February 22, 2018

Beowulf Book Review

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Beowulf the Brave!
Beowulf is a terrific book; and I advise you to read it. It is about a young warrior who comes to fight for another kingdom (it's Middle-earth) against a monster, Grendel. Once he slays Grendel, his mother comes in rage. But Beowulf the Brave slays her as well.

Here's the sad part: A dragon awakens when one man takes a golden cup. Beowulf sucessfully defeats the beast, but the venomous fangs had gripped him. He slowly dies of his wounds, and the one man of the 14 warriors that Beowulf brought but had run away, took place of Beowulf by order.

I suppose you read this! It's amazing!

Have a read-mazing day!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Welcome To Camp Read-A-Lot!

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Book tent. Awesome.
The camp today at school was so much FUN!!!

Today is National Reading Day. To celebrate that, second grade did something called Camp Read-A-Lot! All the stations were somehow related to reading, but I did have a couple requests for add-ons.

1. Camp Claymound
2. Camp Librarian

The whole day was pretty much stations, except related to reading. Not like any normal day, that's a fact!

We got to bring our sleeping bags (or blankets), slippers, a flashlight, and stuffies (stuffed animals)! It was SUPER exciting!

Why don't you try and encourage YOUR teacher to do something like this on National Reading Day? Don't be afraid to try to persuade your teacher to experience something fun... And educational!

Hope you enjoyed this post... And reading! Laterz!

Yesterday, January 31st: Super Blue Blood Moon!

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Super... Blue Blood Moon!
The Super Blue Blood Moon is a rare even that hasn't been seen in over 150 years!

It occurs when the super moon (a large moon), a blue moon (the second full moon of the month), and a full lunar eclipse come together. There is another thing called a blood moon, which is a reddish color.

This moon is very rare. Sometime in January of next year, there will be a super blood moon. Not quite a Super Blue Blood moon, because the blue moon has not joined in.

The Super Blue Blood Moon is extremely exciting, and cool to watch, too! If you saw it last night, good for you! Hope you live for 150 more years so you can see it again!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Later!

A Christmas Carol: The Purpose of the 3 Christmas Ghosts

A Christmas Carol is a delightful book that's about an old man named Ebenezer Scrooge who was never very jolly, especially around Christ...