Tuesday, November 29, 2016

5 Things I'm Thankful For

Image result for turkey

Happy November! Today, I'm going to talk about the five things I'm thnakful for!

5: My Teachers
4: Good Food
3: My Talents
2: Earth
1: Friends & Family

Those are the five things I'm thankful for! Bye!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Book Review: Take me to Your Loser

Hello readers! Today I'll be doing a book report on The Loser List: Take me to your loser. It's about a boy named Danny Shine, and he's running for student body president. But only to get out of the wrestling tournament. He didn't wanto to be elected, but he was. Before the big day, though, Danny did disgusting things to get people to vote for someone else. But still, Danny was elected and he didn't like it. But after Dan told him all of the things he could do, Danny was a little more relaxed. The jocks even invited Danny to their table during lunch! The funny part is, the cafeteria was having a food fight, and Danny leaped for the door. But  Tank, who sat at the jocks' table, grabbed Danny by his pants and they slid down!! After a few days, though, Everyone wanted Danny to sit at their table! Malibu begged Danny to sit at her table, the jocks hoped Danny would sit at their table, everyone wanted Danny at their table for some reason! So that's The Loser List: Take me to your Loser. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Hello readers! Today I'm going to talk about the crussee I made today! Here's the recipe:

List of needs for crussee:


How to make crussee

pour flower into measuring cup and put in bowl full of water.
get a plate and lightly brush dry dough on surface.
roll thin/thick string of dough.
shape the dough in a poop emoji shape.
pop dough into oven and set for 15 mins.
take dough out of oven when finished baking and put icing on.
get sprinkles and lightly shower multi-colored sprinkles.
 Bon appetite! You've successfully made your crussee! Happy eating!


Image result for heart

Hello readers! Today I'm going to talk about hearts! They represent love. You can put hearts on a valentine and a card for your friend, grandparent, or mother and father! Hearts mean many things. You have a heart in your body. You find hearts on valentines. You know hearts represent February! This is a little poem I made about hearts:

Hearts are everywhere you go.
Hearts are there to give you show.
Hearts will go, to and fro!

That's a poem about hearts! What do you use hearts for?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trick or treat adventures

Me and the grave digger at the spooky house!

A spooky house for a spooky Halloween!

Sometimes Halloween can be yummier then you expect!

A Christmas Carol: The Purpose of the 3 Christmas Ghosts

A Christmas Carol is a delightful book that's about an old man named Ebenezer Scrooge who was never very jolly, especially around Christ...