Thursday, December 22, 2016

Book Review: Dork Diaries

Hello readers! Today I will do a book review on Dork Diaries!

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Nikki and Brandon find eight puppies on the porch of Fuzzy Friends, and Nikki and Brandon decide to take care of it until it can find its owners.

At their school, After Zoey, Chloe, and Nikki pretend to be sick, they run to the janitor's closet to check on the puppies and freak out when they see the huge mess the puppies created.

So that's the Dork Diaries book! Happy reading!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Three Days Till Christmas!

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Hello readers! I am so excited for Saturday and Sunday! That's Christmas and Christmas Eve! It's winter break, and there's presents under the tree and everything! Christmas tree is set up, garland is hung, stockings are up, and the outside lights are ready! I love Christmas. There's the carols, the Grinch stories, the festive lights, and all the stockings! Oh, and also Santa. But my favorite part is being with my family. There's enough of blibbety-blabbety-braggers that brag about what they got for Christmas and how it's so cool and so sweet and too fantastic that you can't stand. But you know my second favorite part? Building snowmen and having snowball fights. Too bad it won't snow this year. But I hope you have a very merry Christmas! Bye!

A Christmas Carol: The Purpose of the 3 Christmas Ghosts

A Christmas Carol is a delightful book that's about an old man named Ebenezer Scrooge who was never very jolly, especially around Christ...